Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mind F*cked

People are being mind f*cked everyday by simply doing & following laws that they believe are right. Politics are all one in the same, democrats + republicans etc. The government gets all of your social beliefs rowled up even some of you alls emotions. Believe it or not, nothing has changed in this "great nation" dated decades back. The only way to survive mentally & physically is to let go of all the animosity. You can have peace within yourself, that way you can harmonize with others. You can't wait for the "Man" to do this for you. Hate of any sort is all in the mind of a person. Humans are all the same, so why act as if one is better than the other because what the eye sees. There is way more than meets the eye. The "Man" will keep you all controlled! Rebel! Start a revolution. Soon they will start to take your sons out of your homes against their will because of the shortage of soldiers. Turn you against each other. There will be riots in your future if there is no change. Serenity, love, peace is the key.

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